
http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj hence is Han Gong p

No matter is regardless of, ask a way:"The Geng is positive, hence send you to come why matter?"
Just of affair, seem to have never taken place.
For Geng positive, Wang Can has no the least bit good will.
For hence that old fox, Wang Can is also hence pulled to go into blacklist.
Hence not pain not the parties person of Yang go abroad as ambassador, have no the least bit sincerity, pure is a paste to make Wang Can.Since it is so, Wang Can why the need for gives hence face?No matter the parties person comes to say what rubbish and beat two palms first.
In the Geng positive heart annoy urgently, very anxious to hurtle up a Wang Can Liang's palmses.
Is hateful, too hateful.
He lives but signs of year, have never had already encountered thus big Ru.
Even if is hence, also get guest polite spirit of talk to him, and hence persuade for a long time, he just promise to substitute hence go abroad as ambassador.Arrived Wang Can's encampment just now, drive Wang Can's person's two palms, the Geng positive mood is imaginable.
His mood is bad to go to a pole, once the big Xiu kiss, facial expression peep out to disdain on the face, loudly drink a way:"The king of the Shu, I represent Han Gong to come to pay a courtesy call on a Shu king, is in order not to the knife soldier's disaster, avoid common people people live in wretched conditions, might it not be the Shu king insists on the life he/she to place common people but regardless of, stubbornly open a war to carry?"
Wang Can Yi listens to, in the heart a move.
The Geng is calling hence is Han Gong, perhaps isn't hence of inferiority, but hence seek comer.
Wang Can's idea turns and have no Geng the positive words put in the mind.He talks bottom to annoy hundred percent, say:"The Geng is positive, you know hence once sent a person to pay a courtesy call on this king, you had been already come for the second time."
The Geng is just towering to say:"Certainly know!"
Wang Can says again:"You knew this king to once say to let hence came in person, not let emissary."
Geng once the positive eyebrows pick, hence don't say this affair for him, it was Wang canned to just lift for a while to pour.But, Geng just but can not speak, after all not the ability dismantle by himself/herself hence of set.He deeply absorbs tone and comes straight to the point a way:"The king of the Shu, Han Gong for meaning to return the agreeable Shu king's sincerity, would like to send to 100,000 stone foods to subsidize a Shu king, hope Shu king to accept."
Wang Can immediately comes to interest and asks a way:"When does the food deliver?"
The Geng just and immediately says:"100,000 stone foods are carrying to the on the way of hoping the city, Han Gong will also go to hope city when the time comes.Then, Shu king and Han gongs are hoping that the city meets, Han Gong and Shu the king can negotiate to return an agreeable affair, Han Gong offers up 100,000 stone foods as the sincerities that returns an agreeable Shu king, don't know Shu how the king think?"
The speed that the Geng is talking is the quickest, have already wanted to leave Wang Can's encampment in his heart.
More stay in my a moment, he more feels to suppress.
Wang Can didn't talk, the method is positive but stands out.
Method the positive air is dignified, dynasty Wang Can Yi one gift, then see positive toward the Geng, the righteousness is positive language of expression of say:"The location of talks can not be chosen by you, have to from my king appointed, this can not change, there is no leeway that the company measures."
The Geng is rising head, say:"Impossibly, the location has to be hoping city."
At this time, Guo Jia also the station come out and embrace a boxing way:"Lord male, will this person drive out, we immediately send troops."
Momentary, rest of will get to also stand out in succession, ask Wang Can to bomb to walk Geng just.
Hence the parties Geng is coming, put forward to make Wang Can be hoping that the city hands over to connect food and talks affair, obviously for the sake of design Wang Can of.If hence really make a firm decision to return agreeable Wang Can, can't play so many patterns, as long as hence the Gu body pays a courtesy calls on Wang Can, what affairs all solved, but hence would not like to, obviously have other viewpoints.
The method is positive,http://feeds.feedburner.com/AHvj, Guo Jia, Zhao Yun etc. text to is martial public to all guess hence of idea, so suggestion Wang Can refuses Geng positive proposal.
For hence of viewpoint, Wang Can can also just come out.
If he listenned to public, on the face but peep out to contemplate of color, don't directly return to unique Geng positive.
Very long behind, Wang Can says:"The Geng is positive, you notify hence, the location is hoping city."
After Geng is listenning to, exultation in heart.He completed hence the task put forward directly take leave to leave.After waiting Geng to be leaving, Guo Jia quickly the station come out and advise a Jian way:"The lord is male, the gentleman isn't signed to toppling wall under, you if promise to go to hope city, sink into very easily hence of trap inside, when the time comes enemy at dark, I at clear, difficult defend anonymous attack!"
The method is waiting a person station to also persuade Wang Can to change idea to come out.
Wang Can looking at owner and smiles to say:"I said location's choosing is hoping city, have never said to hope city.Hence wishfully is going to hope city, he went to, I could not go!"
It is public to smell speech, immediately loosenned tone.
No matter how it is, as long as Wang Can doesn't hope city good.
Ps:Four more of three;

Volume 13 purpose that settles western cool chapter 866 Yang Feng
The fragrance of books house renews time:2012-5-221:21:27 chapter word numbers:2920

After Geng is leaving, Wang Can lets the battalion rest again in the water county in sky whole on the first, then lead troops to leave.
Arrive Long from the water county in sky west, be separated not to know several a long distances.
But, go to hope city from the water county in sky, but shortenned half many roads.Hence choose the location of talks is hoping city, Wang Can doesn't know hence of what is the plan ?But what Wang Can can affirm is hence have no well heart.Hence the old fox is deceitful like fox, and careful careful, since invite Wang Can to left for, necessarily get ready a completely plan.
Wang Can leads troops and hence cross swords, also thousand times careful, not dare is the slightest careless.
At the time that battalion walked faster, the speed suffered a disastrous decline.
Only walked the road of ten inside roads sometimes for a day, even walks for a day five inside circumstances of the road all appeared.
The condition like this is Wang Can, Guo Jia and method is negotiating of result.
And, Wang Can has already passed Zhao Yun to the news, let Zhao Yun decoration the bottom go.In the soldier of after willing get the deployment of knowing Wang Can, all not hasty walk faster, the excellent Zai visits Zai of all the way ex- go, seem follow the road sightseeing see scenery, very leisurely and carefree.That shape, completely not is march to fight.
Such circumstance hard to understand.
This day, the battalion stopped down, didn't walk faster.
Wang Can's taking Guo Jia and method is leaving encampment and went out to loiter about.There is Dian Wei that take soldier to protect, and the location closes to the encampment that the battalion stations again, nonexistent safety concealed suffer from.
A group of people simultaneously walk, part confabulation.
Wang Can looking at circumferential scenery, the mood is relaxed, very happy.
Wang Can carries on the back hands, the pole eyes look beyond afar and smile to say:"Receive a filial piety, you say we according to the speed like this stands down to go, would not° until much for a long time to hope city?"
Guo Jia clear voice answer way:"The lord is male, we the day go ten inside, five inside, even is to come to a stop not to walk faster, perhaps can not arrive to hope city in about a year.The vulgar job estimates getting then and canning arrive for 12 years at least.When the time comes, hence at hope that the city waits hope to see fervently, the hairs all wanted white."
The method is making fun a way:" Hence an age, early hoary head."
Wang Can says with smile:"That waits dead for need not hoary head calculate."
The method just and immediately after says:"Main male speech it have a reason, hence is hoping that the city waits dead."
Guo Jia smiled to smile, didn't interrupt conversation.Three people, include a station at not the Dian Wei of distance, walk to stop on the road, appreciate western cool scene.However, isn't a hungriness district here, could not see sublime desolate desert, also is not likely to see the circumstance of big smoke of Mo Gu.But Wang Can in good humor, this is all right already.
The Geng after being completing the task urgently and in a hurry leaves for a sky, water county, dynasty Long west of the direction rush through.
Once his one person ride to arrive the time of hoping the city, hence haven't arrived.Therefore, the Geng is again continuing to go forward a road, is hoping ran into on the road of city and Long west hence of battalion.
The Geng after being seeing hence right away reported to requite a circumstance.
Hence listen to Wang Can's promising is hoping a city meeting, happy in the heart, say:"Mr. Geng is indeed as expected severe, unexpectedly persuaded Wang Can."
Mention Wang Can, in the Geng positive heart anger Men not already.
Even if he completed hence give of task, also got hence of cry up, but Geng positive heart in stay the shadow that can not obliterate.Wang Can lets the Dian Wei in public humiliate his affair, the Geng is can'ting forget, also is not likely to forget.The Geng is meeting a circumstance like this, on the other hand to hence don't tell

