
Beats By Dr Dre Solo ed to mouse can wr

There is no former mana ,and the demon God becomes only British action be roughly the same ,so every war is to cause destruction to both sides .relationresultIn a previousXiangliu and the demon God of action during the war ,the nine-feng is already here ,although to meet the Xiangliu very accidental ,but did not show up ,but quietly in this war ,and when Kong Yu has all the day mumbo jumbo pennant ,as well as all the ancestor witch powers when, the nine-feng is had to capture all the day mumbo jumbo streamers .
relationresultThegroup has always been the strong respect ,as long as your strength stronger than others ,you will be respected by others ,you can have it all .And strength have treasures people ,that is for sin ,pride and to your hand thing is nothing new ,this is the law of survival of the malay .
relationresultThedemon God listened to British recruit nine-feng after words ,covered with frost face laughed coldly ,said later , the call ,your voice is not small, let us leave ?Do you think you are such a situation can trap me? Today I will drop you also picked up ,didn I take advantage of the situation ?Then let you have a look what is evil .
, relationresultThen,the nine-feng body SG bloom ,then a huge shadow is appeared in people eyes ,the same is a million miles away ,until Kong Yucai see ,the original of this figure is actually a long nine head of the Phoenix bird !relationresultThe colorfulfeathers ,huge body ,extremely beautiful tail bobbed ,huge unparalleled mana haunt nine-feng body around ,have never seen such a picture of Kong Yu are some spellbound .
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, relationresult , relationresultThe 271st chapter as a war , relationresultChangeof the body of God than the British action and nine-feng demon of the Xiangliu body is more gorgeous, demon God the action and the Xiangliu body look feel terror ,but the big witch nine-feng body looks is a kind of enjoyment, although from she exudes a very horrible breath ,but because the incomparable beauty is very easy to let the human forget this point .
relationresultBodyof up to a million miles, flying in the sky ,be riotous with colour feathers shine with a series of SG ,nine stunning crested raise ,ethereal chirping sound musical from the nine crested in hair ,a pair of open also is thousands of miles, Zhetianbiri wings flapping ,each are contains a large mana ,a strong wind from the wings tucked between injection ,blowing sand sky .
relationresultKong Yu looked atthe big witch becoming nine-feng ,heart is filled with shock ,not only because of the incomparable beauty ,but because the nine-feng now shown on them ,it is a people from the soul feel shocked ,Kong Yu never thought that a person can be powerful to such to the point .
relationresultJust Kong Yuis inadvertently seen in the big witch nine-feng body abdomen has a ferocious wound ,although the wound would have to be healed, and by the beautiful feather covered ,others may not see ,but is in the big witch nine-feng Mami following Kong Yu is seeing the wound tract obviously ,the nine-feng have been hit hard .
relationresultKong Yu is verydifficult to imagine such a mighty big witch nine-feng who can hurt ,but the wound is really there ,it proved that the big witch nine-feng is certainly have a hidden past ,this makes Kong Yu very curious ,but now is not the study of these things, because of a shaking heaven and earth will start a war .
relationresultChangeof the body of the nine-feng ,neighing after one cry ,nine crested while highlighting a glory to God and demon ,is the direct action to the bombardment ,but nine SG and not be able to hit the demon God of action ,only action are a British demon God is fly up in the sky ,while the nine SG was landed in the demon God island .
relationresultThedemon God Island, covering an area of tens of thousands of years, but in the nine SG hit ,was violently shaking up ,with the earth trembled and the mountains swayed to describe is not accurate .
I saw a crack from the demon God Island ,and continued to expand ,the demon God island just a few between breath is turned into pieces ,into the endless ocean .relationresultFlyinto the air hole Yumu gaped at all this ,as he is now nine to fourth rpm and Yin and Yang Hyun magic second turn skill, want to break a mountain is very easy ,but if you want to be such a radius in the tens of thousands of islands easily broken ,the Kong Yu is still very hard .
relationresultBut thebig witch nine-feng just spit nine SG is to do this, which makes holes Yushi is to understand yourself and the gap between ,although the heart shakes ,but is more excited ,he is now practicing to nine to fourth to the realm of metaphysics ,as long as the accumulated again enough energy ,cultivation to nine rpm unreliable merit fifth rpm ,so it is not only has the immortal of the body ,still can have such a large mana .
relationresultTheeternal immortal body ,and the world Qi Shou ,this is also the Malay so powerful reasons, except that the injury to be smashed to pieces ,otherwise ,no matter how by severe trauma, with the body of the family are not truly die, so as long as the cultivation to the big witch realm ,Kong Yu is has leading the universe primitive capital .
relationresultJustKong Yu is also know to practice to the realm and not his imagination so simple thing ,to practice into nine mysterious power fourth is that Kong Yu suffered so many adventures to have, really do not know if the cultivation of nine to fifth rpm to how mysterious power over .
relationresultBut nowKong Yu is too busy to go to think these things ,because of the evil god English recruit nine-feng and fighting between was expanded again ,hole jade hit spirit saw this war ,it is a valuable experience ,can increase his fighting experience ,for later encountered more powerful enemies to prepare .
relationresultFly to the skydemon God of a mouth is a glory to spit ,the nine-feng go ,big witch nine-feng nine crested neigh sound of wings ,a fan ,is the divine hammer powder ,then from nine crested to spit out nine SG ,towards the demon United Kingdom of God strokes shoot, and demon God of the British action in the face of nine-feng attack ,seems to have expected, physical flash is hiding the past .
relationresultBecause two peoplefighting not to know how many times ,so on both sides of the tricks are already very familiar with,Beats By Dr Dre Solo, it is precisely because of this, no matter how you both to attack ,is not really able to hurt each other, but each strike burst out of the Pang fire is to circulate around the .
relationresultEndlessocean two Pang * * force lifted monstrous billow ,and that the water is in the continuous evaporation ,Kong Yu and has changed back to human world Xiangliu also because two mana continuous burst and continuous receding ,standing in the distance at the two body blinding a huge monster time attack each other .
relationresultWatching the twohuge monster again hit together ,constantly tearing at each other, and then separated ,with a mist of blood ,so exciting as battle also let Kong Yu feel very stimulated ,and the demon God of action ceaselessly nine-feng and burst out of mana is to let Kong Yu be full of excitement.
,excited watch between the wars .relationresultBut thedemon God of action is in the Xiangliu toxic ,and the battle when it ceded nine-feng part of mana to suppress the in vivo Related articles:

