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The time has come ,it and Yao Tiao both out of bounds ,to be reluctant to part of the temporary parting .relationresultThis relationresultThis chapter seems rather boring ,is actually Yang Ye in to account the funeral .
.. .. , relationresultThis short is not short parting ... .. Nothing short... .. , relationresultSuch short chapters ,I don ,but I don put these things dragged into nearly 2000 words .
relationresultToday will be updated chapter ,Yang night at the start of a time be struck with fright adventures ,please look forward to .relationresultI apply for VIP after repeated failure, want to put the following chapters written a sequel ,to attack the new book list ,but this way, this book is not complete, is not willing ,I will not let you see a not complete ending ,so I insist on ,we also continue ,let us together to experience Yang night another section of the extraordinary history !relationresultThe tenth chapter a up suddenly from , relationresultThere are two daysaway from the opening of the general assembly .
relationresultHan City ,leaf clean finally received a few can determine the message .relationresultA sword ,yesterday in the disciples of Qi suzerain over black fly back to Jianen City ,confirms successful degree calamity ,but the injury is not complex ,for unknown reasons ,of unknown origin .
relationresultIn two ,Gan Liang Jun rate in his strong broken sword mountain ,killing two thousand evil religious, so far ,Longduo country destroyed monastic huddled in the cold ,the demon king of wild .
relationresultInthree ,for Home Yang night has not returned ,with no bed news .The other is in deputy metropolitan Qin Yiyang decided to participate in the assembly ,the odds is very big .
relationresult... .. , relationresultHowdo clouds through the sun sword flying ,wind ,with Yunxiang .relationresultNightRider Yang sun sword seemingly not disease not slow herd grazing cloud ,but it was a tight with cloud four Dharma elders more and more far .
Blue Valley West event has been set, and prepare to go to the capital redemption Qianchou ,when Yang Eve mood as the poke cloud ,haze tried to ,sunny, the sun seems to feel that immortal sword master pleasant mood ,flying more cheerful ,enjoy Huisa as silk in the sky flies .
Jianying .relationresultHis best Tengzhi operation four old flying through clouds ,watched the master Lord more distant, is chasing time ,sound and Lord rebuff ,Yang night is turn a deaf ear to ,before long ,he dropped the word capital fly has not the least trace was found .
relationresultIf according to Yang night drive sun sword of the rapid ,arrived in Beijing just one day ,it is with Xiao Wan meet, Yang night nature is that more efficient ,in the sky of fleeting blazing white rainbow light direction ,toward the capital of flying over .
relationresult Are you... .. suddenly in Yang night ear ring .relationresult I think so .You ..sword. Light ! Yang in the high-speed flying through the night ,like the sound of a tarsal maggot word incoming Yeer in yang .
relationresult To me. Stop ! See Yang night ignore ,muddy if not feel like, the sound is more bleak ,with almost command words ,a drop from the clouds violently strong wind mixed with delicate cold Yin to Yang night swept ,the wind speed is very rapid ,late come first ,second is to Yang night behind .
relationresult Rush !Who is so boring ! This is the mood bright Yang Ye to the casual visitor extremely tired , you say stop stop, what ah ! Yang night to think so ,also waved rapidly cast out a record five cents ray, a swift Lei Guang from the palm of the excitation ,brutally shot to strong wind ,two air crash off the air effort ,let Yang Ye figure Royal fly more quickly ,suddenly shook off the strong wind entangled .
relationresultHoho .. well .. ! And this voice came, she was laughing so weird ,people with one .Yang night launched the gods wish ,felt more high sky,www.buybeatsbydrdreheadphone.com, a fly faster light already beyond their own ,is gradually falling down ,apparently to intercept before .
Then the voice transmitting said: want to escape .I .. and I .. well .. ha .. ha Dharmakaya , relationresult * * * * * * !What are you yelling about. Yang night feel instantly to very bad, toward the above have presented to the view shadow Wan foot immortal force big growl .
Good dog not in the way ,roll ! , relationresultThis sound rolling roar shaking heaven and earth ,and let the shadows of spewing immortal strength was a preserve, are steep stopped ,rather surprised and said: no more than 10 days ,did not think you do have growth so far .
Surprise after another mad roar : if so how ,today I will take you to destroy life ,washing of hate ! , relationresultThis would give him the sword of Yang Ye heard the word ,she paused sword, carefully looked to people .
I see a color class complex is not clear, body everywhere extremely not harmonious .Staring at a pair of purple eyes hard stare at myself ,full of dark aura of its features more hideous abomination ,look for a long time, the conclusion is.
.. Do not know !relationresult Hello !Who is it. Yang night frowned threw a word .relationresultThe man should not be asked: pale cloud ?Where? , relationresultYang night more strange, look at the situation should be cooked talent is ,thought a long time ,Yang night out: ?Pale cloud ?I don know.
, relationresultThe man in his black gas suddenly whirled ,gradually rising a little black mist, voice turned hoarse said : you know ,you and Aowoon Ko together to destroy my lonely garden ,more loss of my law body, can one do not know can put off ,please you .
.. My life. Stay down ! , relationresultThen ,the man without a back body ,a gulp air hissing sound ,then suddenly his head back into the body ,lordosis ,mouth Meng Zhang , Peng, Peng, peng ! After three such as ink ejected concise enough black sun ,with hints of ghost howl to Li Xiao Yang Yeji detonation to disease .
relationresult You are the light ! Yang night suddenly wake up ,sun sword into practice at all in the day after the first limit soaring ,Dogen Black Sun blade .relationresult Very light ocean ? Yang night somewhat confused ,sun sword did not stop with the idea cyclotron ,energy exploded ,second shades of light bombardment began smoke .
relationresult Who you are is a ghost ,is immortal Buddha ,blocking my road ,chopped ! , relationresultYang Yeyi was puzzled ,see its antecedents is unidentified, evil evil like kill heart shape ,meal ,sun sword cross on the chest, to muster, palms ,Chung poured into immortal force which ,in a loud roar through words ,a vast strong sword spurted out ,instantly expanding hundred times ,as if too thin ,wide near Baizhang light edge touch on lightly ,the destroy third shades of light ,with extremely sharp the sound to the man severely cut to .
relationresult I dare !... and .. Li .. ... , relationresultThe words not yet finished by energy and body ,the body seems to Tang turn inconvenient ,is almost never moved by the strong energy a cut in two, and behind the powerful two words ,say on ,air leakage around .
relationresultHowever, the people still in mid-air, Gaga said: even so ,also difficult injury million refine magic body .Recover more readily or nature !If not Nawan humanitarian body building million refine magic ,magic more before .
His upper body said, but also make silk black gas and lower body entangled together, gradually shows fusion potential .Hey. If you cut ,cut thousands of million ,also to destroy my body .
, relationresultOh. Yang Ye waved to the sun sword disappeared ,laughing and asked: is a very light ocean ? Immediately quick play several Shoujue .relationresultOf course. That person must then shook his head and said: ,I now is the underworld demons make light of refining the soul .
Kid ,and you peer cubeba cloud where ,fast speaking, give you a swift death . , relationresult Pale cloud in the sky ?You wait a moment ,I call him . Said Yang Ye ,watching over the lips silently for a long time, seemingly in and unwarranted pale cloud acoustic communication ,but took the opportunity to meditation Jiuxing vine snake tactic .
Subsequently, Yang night heaven beckons : ... .. Not come ? , relationresultTo come to ,can volley falling not pale cloud ,but suddenly the illusory thousands strong sword at the top of the road ,Po Kong ,thousands of blazing bright white snake flocked to very light jab and demons .
relationresult ,you deceive ... .. GA however to see snake sword fall over each other ,such as the drill into the very light magic body ,every day will cut a deep laceration ,on Related articles:

