
monster beats les quickly reprim

Heart shock than Xiao Han ,now he is using a gold lion family skills ,called gold camp ,the Golden Lion Group has used this skill ,even the great Beamon monsters can also resist ,so that the Golden Lion Group in the orc is able to fight with Mongolian the two race is one ,and a white tiger ,similarly, Golden Lion and tiger and competitor, Beamon just narrowly won a leadership position, but the three race strength is not under the .
relationresultGoldenLion Group can be applied to general gold barrier ,but Han Confucianism is not the golden lion ,so he can protect important sites ,but it is because of this ,he can creative gold barrier energy added to the body of a part ,such as a fist ,or elbow joint and so on ,the defensive skills ,into an offensive weapon !relationresultBy virtue ofthis skill ,cold Confucian defeated countless than his work high opponents ,only step by step and ascend now high !relationresultNow hefound a human fist could Yinghan own gold barrier formation in the palm of your hand, but that he had a feeling of be well-matched in strength ,cold Confucian excited, how many years do not fight * * rapid is aroused !relationresultXiaoHan also on the palm can emit cold Confucian golden skills has generated interest in ,what is this method ,were able to make the people become hard so ?relationresultIf it isimpenetrable defence and method ,but it is a passive defense ,this is one of the active defense method ,than the impenetrable defence is also a higher level ,but impenetrable defence ,Xiao Han also just from the martial arts fiction seen ,it has not seen, only doubt this feat is it right? Really exist too !relationresultWhether youis it right? I hit the impenetrable defence ,you get it !relationresultMurderweapon with beatings with fists ,Xiao Han ,now also does not want to kill Han Confucianism ,he wants to beat him !relationresultSince you are socapable of beating ,so choose to examine your life to learn ,to find a very fierce ,the next appearance makes it !relationresultBoxing speed ,fist speed .
.. ... , relationresultTwo individualsin the air the intense collision ,then to the kind of meat strength, straight to block the way Xiao cold from all sides five Eagles look is shudder with fear ,never met with governor so tough opponents ,even the Hawks also see smack unceasingly, change oneself up, estimates had been hit black and blue !relationresultBoss, I think my Lord is that Xiao cold pressing play ? The youngest of thirteen eagle with great care to ask Eagle road .
relationresultDon talk nonsense ,says it is a kind of strategy ,consumption of opponent strength ,you know? The eagles quickly reprimanded sound ,although he also think so, but shake the morale of troops could not say words .
relationresultOh.Thirteen Eagle terrified back .relationresultXiaoHan tricks no routine ,is entirely of their own, but his have no stroke stroke victory this sentence is to believe firmly ,tricks not subtle ,to replace the speed ,which depends on both sides who understand rules deep more !relationresultA lefthook ,the right hook, black heart ,monkey picks the peach ,Xiao Han on these caustic tricks never had any taboo ,the use when it is absolutely not vague ,monster beats,Han Confucianism is a cautious person ,also likes to calculate ,no seventy or eighty percent want to respond to win confidence that he is not easily .
,this is he as a commander of merit, but in person singled ,but became a weakness, if the strength of the opponent as he ,he defeated ,if the match strength far higher than he ,that no chance circumstances, direct flight ,but once to be well-matched in strength when, this can be be entangled .
relationresultAlthoughcold Confucian now hate will not Xiao Han ripped in half ,but when the fighting, he ingrained thinking was dominant in his fighting style ,this is not a short duration of time can change .
relationresultXiaoHan battle mode not stereotypes, it is because he told a fight and not many times ,although the experience is there, but he deliberately made itself every time the fighting is not the same ,so fighting styles, there are both advantages and disadvantages.
This ,advantageously, the opponent cannot fathom their thoughts ,malpractice that is ,for a long time, when fighting in a play skilled nature ,the advantage will lose ,because others have adapted to counterattack ,so it is more rapid ,more cruel !relationresultOf course,some things are a natural reaction ,after the summary only understand their own weaknesses ,to improve it, family on many people understand their own weaknesses in what place ,but to change does not come ,why ,combat style is formed, best not to easily change ,or change will change to go ,lose will be worse !relationresultYou canThis sentence sounds a bit derogatory ,in fact is a truth .
relationresultXiaoHan also had considered his fighting style ,eventually found himself like tempest type blow ,don slow play ,of course, every kind of style has pros and cons ,before a battle mode ,if able to quickly defeat opponent ,but the most suitable ,but the opponent is very strong .
,it can only choose the latter ,therefore ,Xiao Han thought style is not important ,important is an opponent who is !relationresultBecause of the matchand become ,it is the most difficult to reach the fighting style of a ,general or fixed ,like the Dragon Sword God ,he fights are never be rash and too much in haste ,the sword pulled ,the tiger is cut up ,love it ,but also carry out with drive and sweep temper, a flash of cold light ,cold knife ,side had a gentle man ,is the old fox tube slack water ,the fire department law of God, don see him very slowly, fight than red is hot, or would like drawn to like ,become good friends .
relationresultFightingstyle with the state and the opponent is a great relationship, this is a very complex issue ,to not be discussed ,and Xiao cold and cold Confucian in air combat !relationresultA second,hundreds of thousands of boxing !How many people can do ,and every blow strength enough to pierce a number of blocks of ten meters of black marble ,the wind went, ground building is all-powerful ,fell down ,hit by numerous !relationresultHanConfucianism in blood in the heart ,he is not the love below the house ,the house is not, can build the talent ,if no ,where did he find ?relationresultManageone land, but not by fighting can be done, and who could not do it every hour and moment are not in battle ,but this battle is with a real knife solid gun battle ,it is a soulless puppets also suffer !relationresultXiaoHan , you ruined my foundation ,take my wife ,I want you to die ! Han Confucianism have to Xiao Hanhen bone marrow ,red eyes ,roaring toward Xiao Han ,fists clenched burst out of dazzling gold ,like two little sun knocked hard on Xiao han !relationresultDo not attack people ,Han Confucianism ,you are the first to provoke me ! Xiao Han and fear ,a long hair blowing in the wind, the green Gudang ,group of two green energy will be two fist wrapped up .
relationresult! The four boxing !relationresultGreenenergy and gold respectively form two outward diffusion of energy waves ,the place visited ,were razed to the ground ,huge energy and
even spread to the solid walls ,that stands for hundreds of years the strong walls were shaken after shaking the numbers ,but foundation deep, not Yo tumbling down ,down is the soldiers
scared out of a cold sweat !relationresultWhilethe governor and the surrounding a few kilometers of all housing ,only the individual particularly strong did not fall, all other ruins, 1/4
back side in this battle under two people ,destroyed !relationresultBrother ,ha ha ,destroy the good ! Yishengchangxiao Kiara ,from a pile of tile light mase ,laugh at him ,followed Related articles:

