
cheap beats by dre orry piano! Thi

The Easter egg of clan handicraft creation, each delicacy that all is worth of ten thousand golds.All is all the whole world jewelry fanciers long for day and night of collect delicacy.Is original although this jeweler home collected "bronze knight",hasn't been making known, so the outsider doesn't know as well.
It happened that is buck tooth week, don't know is pass what outlet, know there is an Easter egg in this jeweler hand, this just expect to expect of told me.The Easter egg is Russian sand emperor to send to the cuckoldry gift, has always been like this, so always is all seen as the symbol of love.I send a gift like this to the newly married wife, the nature is again suitable however.
If is a side person to come to offer to buy.This jewelry businessman the nature is simply to refuse.Because this thing plan that he doesn't offer for sale at all ……but I dissimilarity!
I is it may be said to stir up trouble in Vancouver now, smuggle a tycoon, well-known persons, the mafia is fierce.The mayor, councilman and police, Gao Guan, are all last my guest.Is other of those are black to help big guys to all look forward to my Ma Shou.Circumstance like this, would a very small jeweler not dare to gives offense to me?
I come to offer to buy, he is helpless can take out the treasure of this town store under.
I saw one eye, immediately fancied this thing!The jeweler holds after nose introduced a , only afraid very anxious to in the heart I see not ascend had better, unfortunately looking at me full face contented look, he also has no a way.
"This ……Chen, H'm,cheap beats by dre,5555Ye."He stammerly says.However a foreigner book write tongue's shouting my"five Yes"ses is really some pouts and see him nervous appearance, I smile a way:"Like, you shout my Mr. Chen all right.This thing I like very much.So, though you open a price."
I combine to not too like to take advantage of power to bully people, however this thing is that I prepare to send ten newly married cuckoldries, that not from get he Be not willing to alienate, greatly not I pay more some money be.
However this jeweler owner full head big sweat, pay falter, I could not say words.Once my in the mind move, understood him the idea at the moment.
I know that this kind of art object is worth of affirmation it's not low.So this jeweler is some don't dare to quote-open Be getting lower, he only afraid Kui big.If open Be getting higher ……perhaps is more far from good once annoying me.Seeing this person's one face is difficult, I sighed tone, Wen Yan Dao:"My buying this thing is to is a newly married gift to send to the wife, so though you quote and ignore you to open how much, I absolutely can't make it lively for yours.This is the symbol of love, while the love is invaluable, be not?"
Soft-voiced way I say so that he just sighed tone and hesitated for a while, :"This ……Mr. Chen, this thing I originally is absolutely prohibit to have alienation, however ……H'm, so, last year at the Suo Si compared auctioned off to go of an Easter egg, finally clinching a deal the price was USD 6,400,000.However the quality of that Easter Egg has to be a little bit better than this.So, this thing, my idea is alienated with the price of USD 6,000,000 ……"
Make reference to here, he anxiously looking at me, the look in the eyes inside involuntarily shows unintentionally for several cents, meat painful meaning-I know, this price is perhaps and in fact also to be getting lower, and only he didn't dare to open higher price as well.
I smiled to smile and took out check book and wrote a piece the check of USD 8,000,000 put at table up:"I can't let you suffer a los of, this check you take, be regarded as the goods property that I purchase this thing ……H'm, you are willing to alienate this thing to I, I appreciate you very much.Thus, while getting married, I will deliver a formal invitation to you.In Vancouver hereafter, if you meet what troublesome, can seek me.Since today.You can say with other people, you are my friend."
This fatty's eyes a bright, immediately peep out happy expression for several cents.Want to know that I almost can be regarded as in Vancouver now a hand to hide a sky!Only I of"five Yes"s Yu, almost can here thwart walk.If this guy clime to with me friendship, from now on greatly have an advantage naturally.
I and the hammer son come out the time that the jewelry goes .Tooking a look time is about 3:00 p.m..I got on the car-this is Rolls Royce that I just ordered.Arriving tires from the car window is all bullet-proof.Sat on small of driving the seat to turn head to see my one eye after getting on the car:"Five elder brothers go where now?"
The small original work is to look after seven uncles, seven uncles are past after going to, I threw him to west Luo is assistant.However this guy don't like to do business the last affair, this time after I come back, make every effort to beg to think with at I is nearby.I nearby also lack a clever person(hammer son this guy is a Leng the head is green, and can't also drive), I granted him.
"Bond maid in the afternoon not is have what investigate?We see, then at the right moment pick her up to return to."
We drive later on a public opera house inside of arriving at Vancouver.Small small five that wencheses are found job for by me at a private high school.And for developing the qualities of this wench, also for whetting her whole body wild spirit, this half year much.She has been being ordered to study music-violin.
Speak of this wench to learn music, also really let the Yan Di have a headache very for a while.Make her learn to sing.Pleased a vocal music teacher who come from coming to Canada to study from the domestic.Result bond maid the first music lesson please costliness of the private music teacher frightenned to run and left a words before somebody else teacher faces walk:"She is one bright throat, square circle the female wolf in 10 kilometers beat of come right away!"
Then let the bond maid learn the piano, result this wench is also after learning a lesson, please costliness come of ever at loved to enjoy band to once serve as piano teacher of teacher the earthquake lived!The somebody else finally connected to teach the lesson none of fee to dare to accept and then run.The time faced to walk leaves a words:"This son starts like easy style of writing, superlative poetic art, Hun however natural ……can have no a sounds all in adjusting.If I continue to keep on teaching, I feel a sorry piano!
Think the way makes her learn pipa again later on, wish not piano master, do the qualities of"still embrace pipa half to hide noodles" of a several cents classic beauty, should be very can person.Is dry to lead still in the central race band for this again costliness pleasing coming to a local pipa superior, it is said that.The teacher didn't directly make her play, but taught her how to speak a table first this time-Be getting worse as a result, this wench Zhang Kou is the first be ask teacher somebody else:"Teacher, will you play 18 to touch?"On the spot that slowly the teacher of Niang half old still retains a great deal of charm annoyed to walk.
End also not know how of, this bond maid was fond of violin by himself/herself, this time everyone to she already despair, simply also not please what professional teacher, directly buy a few pianos for her, then make a lot of electricities teach data, what record image, disc of type of, free to her by herself to play indiscriminately in the home.
I walked so long, don't know as well she learns now of how, just hear she today wants to take part in to be a what investigate, just finished buying thing or so have no matter, simply go over and have a look.
Drove to arrive at this opera house inside, although so of investigate, the person with no duty at is to can not go into inside.However these rules Be getting more invalid to me.The hammer son has intention to not intentional of lifted the western dress of last body, peeped out the gun set of armpit, and his pugnacious looks shape, who dare Zu we?
The staff member frightens not to dare to talk, small has already pushed away the door of opera house infield to lead me to go in.
Promise a big opera house infield inside, seat empty empty, only the 12th row sit several individuals, think come is test an officer.I don't say Gua as well, directly walked to sit in the past at second row of most side up.That severals test officer in someone took a look me, probably is a bit surprised, I don't say as well what, just tiny tiny on smiling, ordered to nod to them.
I mysterious unfathomable appearance, and still wear sunglasses, several test the officer doesn't know what I am a stem as well of, hesitated for a while, also no one says what.
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