
cnn t this time using

Anxious ,pulling Guo Jia sleeves do not ask .relationresultGuo Jiaand Xun Yu two people went to Jizhou ,but now Guo Jia is the only one who arrived in Luoyang ,did not see the Xun yu .Xun and the nature in the heart is feeling terribly hot ,without a worry ,even in the fan also knows when to throw aside .
relationresultChengYu shook his head : ,you are concerned about the chaos ,see Fengxiao act recklessly and care for nobody knew the way ,if not something, otherwise Fengxiao would look dignified appearance .
, relationresult~ ~ ,boozy ,life doesn . , relationresultGuo Jialong exhaled Zhuoqi ,faces look comfortable was neither fast nor slow ,said : in recent years ,if also lent man ,not a child ,you are so worried about what to do .
EI, or Zhong De public think of delicate, know if not something . , relationresultCheng Yuxiaosaid : if the text if happened, can you so smart manner ? , relationresultGuo Jiadiansaid : Zhong De CCBA words is very .
, relationresultXun You isrelieved ,asked : Fengxiao ,uncle ?Does uncle have anything left ?Not uncle alone to Jizhou to join Yuan Benchu ?Or Fengxiao you don want to go to Jizhou ,and to Luoyang ? , relationresultGuo Jiaone face is helpless ,we said: this is I left it alone if ,ran away to Luoyang .
, relationresultt youtake my uncle to Luoyang ,many people will have a care not ? Xun you hurriedly asked .relationresultGuo Jiayaoshook his head ,sighed : I think so, but I persuaded if ,so Wen Ruo and I went to Luoyang ,but if a great ass temper ,does not listen to me ,say that Yuan Shao three IV ,old yuan serve the country ,is loyal to the people ,is worthy of trust .
, relationresultTherefore ,I and Wen Ruo in Xingyang to ,leave, if went to Jizhou, I was in Luoyang . , relationresultXunYouyi puzzled : Fengxiao ,your original intention to Jizhou ,suddenly you come to Luoyang ? , relationresultGuo Jia Wenyan,face with color moment convergence up ,his face full of dignified color .
relationresultSome time ago ,I once night view of sky ,found the sky mutation ,the direction of Ru should have a star shining up instantly ,a towering ,imposing manner .The original north ,southwest ,Southeast of the three pattern at the star rises, should be changed ,the whole world trend began to confusion muddled up .
Then I have observed that astrology ,astrological gradually north moves ,but found no suspicious signs ,but we in the temple met Wang Can ,I carefully observed ,along with Wang Can to Luoyang ,with the North stars ,and more to the north, the bright stars .
, relationresultTherefore ,I decided to return to Luoyang . , relationresultUnfortunately ,if want to go to Jizhou ,I have only one person to Luoyang . , relationresultAfter arriving in Luoyang, I found that Wang Can stays in Luoyang, and a north-south migration since your astrology also resides in Luoyang ,therefore ,cnn,I concluded that rise abruptly from Ru star representative is Wang Can .
I made this judgment when they use the king ,fortune-telling ,divination of a hexagram ,even found unable to predict the origin and trajectory .And just at that moment, Wang Canbai Cai Yong as a teacher, it takes over Luoyang in the heart of astrology suddenly shine ,shine very bright ,to the Royal star .
, relationresultThe stars cover the North Star ,perhaps is also a hero figure . , relationresultThis world ,may also have a Wang Can . , relationresultGuo Jiahere ,with a solemn eyes the color of .
relationresultFengxiao ,you could use the king divination ? Cheng Yu looked startled by startled ,they yell : King Wen divination but the sage school ,you should know the use of King Wen divination not only wreck a life element ,but also to the body hurt greatly ,this one skill although unpredictable ,but too much damage ,how can you use Wang divination ? , relationresultGuo Jiashanand said: not curious ? , relationresultOnCheng Yu ,Guo Jia heart there is a fear of the heart .
relationresultCheng Yugrunted coldly ,said : you are already is amazing Jue Yan ,why should this day jealous hated things, King Wen Zhouwen Wang divination divination is the operative method ,or you can use at will ,this time is just, there must be no next time .
, relationresultGuo Jia,Cheng Xun Yu ,Yousan people become best friends ,nature is know the inside story .relationresultInteractions betweensome what ability ,each other are known .relationresultGuo Jia Wenyan,hastily said: Zhong De Gong ,my body I do not know ?Anyway, fester exactly son, use several Wang divination also just as well ,but this time using Wang divination ,actually cannot predict the Wang Can history and trajectory ,it is very mysterious ,but a astrological forecast ,it is really difficult to infer .
, relationresultXunyou shake hands : Fengxiao ,King Wen divination too you ,you do not use as much as possible ,to know how this celestial divination ,although planetarium show ,but when it comes to man proposes ,this is the most important .
, relationresultWell, two well-meaning ,Kerry bese . , relationresultGuo Jiaeyes flash moved, took a bottle of wine ,in the Cheng Yu and Han Youjing said: come, Jia Jing two cup .
, relationresultThen,Guo Jia quaff .relationresultAfter a glass of wine,Guo Jia grateful smile ,but suddenly feel in front of a black, mind while swimming ,sprang out onto the table ,motionless .
relationresultThis is drunk ,can not ah ? , relationresultXunYouyi face of doubt ,hope Cheng Yu eyes ,eyes flash in color .relationresultChengYu slightly thought ,suddenly exclaimed : well, Fengxiao and pathogenesis ,go ,hasten to Fengxiao brought to rest in a room .
, relationresultWing,Guo Jiatang in bed ,eyes closed, lips purple ,pale .Xun you ,Cheng Yu two people sit on the bed beside a tension ,face ,eyes full of eagerness .Xun you anxiously : Zhong De Gong ,now how do ?Invited several doctor be at a loss what to do ,don just look Fengxiao lying on the couch ? , relationresultCheng Yusighed : have made him less Wang divination ,still he did not listen to advice, I can in any way .
To date, only to do the personnel ,listen to heaven .Public official ,you early in Luoyang ,served as a minister ,and where ,in general house served as a key ,now you go to visit the former colleagues ,have a look can get too hospital doctor to Fengxiao treatment ,previously called the doctor without ability ,can only expect too hospital doctor .
, relationresultWell ,I . Xun you quickly stood up ,walked towards the outside of the house .relationresultHerohouse door ,Wang Can and Pei Yuanshao from Cai back ,it slowly into the heroes floor .
relationresultWang Can in theone foot hero floor, Wang Can pupil contraction ,eyes a flash of light ,his whole person threw flanking a channeling ,go to just out of the hero ,a middle-aged scholar side ,to laugh: ,it is the end of the world where not to meet ah ,unexpectedly Anno Domini Anno Domini met in Luoyang ,how have you been ? , relationresultXunYouzheng bow walk ,suddenly in front of a highwayman ,looked up ,was Wang Can .
relationresultFirst, it is you ? , relationresultXunYouyi face surprise, then think of Guo Jia because Wang Cancai fainting ,face suddenly clouded ,sink a track : good good ,very good ! , relationresultWang Canexclaims : Anno Domini ,not what happened .
, relationresultXunYouheng said: what thing ,because of you, Fengxiao blacked out ,now is not awake . , relationresultWang Canin a daze, he and Guo Jia together ,how Guo Jia because he is sick ?relationresultButWang Can did not ask ,but said : Fengxiao ,where to live ?I also know some medicine ,have a look can help cure the disease ,Fengxiao .
, relationresultWill you ? Xun you sneered, but my mind that make every possible effort ,also said : Fengxiao and secondary German public in two buildings on the wing Jia Zi ,you go

