
Facebook your home vegetabl

A company must reserve a large number of talents ,to cope with the coming of the broad market .If I am who dragged me back, don . , relationresultThis chapterends , relationresultThefinal volume 610th chapter to the world Fengxiang , relationresultUpdate: 2009-11-200:38:51 chapter number :3449 , relationresultAreahas been not to enter, finally catch on zero before the open ,close .
relationresultHearXiao new remarks ,the commotion ,everybody was amazed .Everybody says Xiao Da boss cattle B, did not think of his cattle to this point .Abroad than domestic ,not your Phoenix Group ,more than your home vegetable garden ,to enter into ,what to eat vegetables ,you can pick .
If each country makes a turn ,snowflakes orders like billow and come ,unless overnight all the foreigners like a fool .relationresultWant to go to,be pregnant with ,no one dared to put quality .
HW still, who dare light stroke ?relationresultWe see askeptical expression ,Xiao Xinlang laugh : look ,you didn believe .But never mind ,I used to speak with the facts .You just follow my request ,ready to .
OK ? , relationresultThingshere ,Xiao new to said other nonsense ,and finally said: in foreign countries during the period ,I will be with you to keep in touch ,pay attention to the domestic business exhibition ,Facebook,the meeting ! , relationresultThen,he stood up ,took three beauty turned away .
relationresultSoon theyform when the door has disappeared ,the conference room as boiling soup boiling water as hilarious .relationresultHalf an hour later,office of the chairman .relationresultXiao XinAlice in the boss desk legs ,a pair of free from restraint .
Murong Qingsi pushs the door, can not help but laugh: Xiao big boss ,you are today considered the limelight !I have just heard her Snow said ,your men to give you a nickname . , relationresultThe history of the cattle ! Xiao Xin instead of the other answer .
relationresultGee .How did you know ?I see you in the office .He has not come out . Murong Qingsi road .relationresultXiao Xinpointed to his head .Said with a smile : alone in the office .
Even as far away as home .Want to hear his voice .Still can be crystal clear . , relationresultMurongQingsi mouth piece of O type .He can : hey .I always forget your ability ,google.You have such a boss monsters .
Who also don mess with you .Yes. The Diaoyu Islands energy agreement was signed .Are you going to leave? Up to now. I do not know the island in what position ? , relationresultXiao Xin smiled and said: 25 degrees north latitude 45 .
Longitude 123 degrees 33 minutes .Area of 7 square kilometers .Slap a big island .You put the South China Sea oil field to the experts call back .The personnel sent to the Diaoyu Islands and central responsible exploration .
In addition .I will send a convoy of the past .To ensure their safety .Until the first point out .Can be sent a large number of personnel on the island .Required for all kinds of materials and the group link .
Please their charge transport . , relationresultMurongQingsi nodded .Said quietly : you can rest assured .Our plan is very detailed .Just follow the prescribed order can be . , relationresultXiaonew pulls out a piece of paper ,on which brush write two platoon long digital handed her ,casually said : this is I in a Swiss bank account password ,in need of money from inside transfer .
, relationresultMurongQingsi took the paper ,sensitive to see his one eye ,asked : is it right? You go out again ? , relationresultXiaonew eyes blinked ,smiled and said : ,think green .
What I want to do ,is to keep this from you ,you should not be my infection ,also learn ability ? , relationresultKnow your head ,fast honest explanation ,this time you want to do? Murong Qingsi reproachfully, angry look the same .
relationresultXiao Xin thought for a moment,decided to tell the truth : I need to go to the Yellow Emperor mausoleum . , relationresultWhat didyou do there? The wap.1 6 k.cn Murong green thought daqi .
relationresultXiaonew light Shu monkey arm ,the other in my arms .Murong Qingsi startled, see shutters and doors are closed ,so track: bad ,don divert my attention . , relationresultXiao Xinhand blow up her pretty nose ,then the head buried in the soft fragrance arms ,take a deep breath of fragrance .
Murong Qingsi was his ambiguous move made heart a crisp ,whispered : what are you doing ,didn ! , relationresultXiao Xin raised his head,looked at Murong Qingsi eyes ,face became very serious : I want to go there to find a very important thing .
, relationresultFromthe expressions on Qingsi sweetheart ,Murong saw the importance of this matter ,MI puckering said: there is no danger? , relationresultXiaonew and gently shook his head : no risk estimation ,I afraid cannot find .
This thing is important ,not lose .relationresultIf not,I am afraid ... ... , relationresultHere,Xiao new heart ,not to continue .Murong Qingsi very considerate ,did not continue to ask, in him a kiss on the cheek, softly : well ,you come back soon ,things at home do not worry .
, relationresultGood wife ! Xiao Xin hugged each other long and up to long ,a French wet kiss the concubine into a pool of mud ,and then patted her face with vigorous strides ,walked out of the room , relationresultLook at each other andgone back, springtime surplus and dark eyes over the slightest worried : husband ,you must come back safely .
, relationresultXiao Xinreturned home, and mother ,two months pregnant fetal mines begins to raise a good ,Iga Emi and ray ,seven seven farewell ,said to be out for a few days ,then hold a hand ,leaving HZ .
relationresultThe Yellow Emperor Mausoleumis located in Shaanxi Yanan County ,from HZ to travel there ,need to take plane to Xi Xi ,then take the direct bus to the .Sima Qian historical records Han said :the Yellow Emperor collapse ,buried hill bridge ,the Yellow Emperor Mausoleum of accurate location is Yanan Huangling County town 1 kilometers north of the bridge on the top of the hill .
relationresultThe very next daymorning, Xiao new sitting on a rickety bus .In Bell she did not become a space ring ,by Xiao Xinbao in his arms .A man holding a cute little girl out of tourism ,this combination is not pregnant .
A friend is very clever ,and a father called ,to make other people worry disappears, but the hearts of very puzzled .relationresultThe little brother ,you big men go out with her ? A fortyish uncle asked .
relationresultSilverturned, to answer: strange uncle ,you may well ask strange .Why did dad can ? , relationresultUh!The man suddenly speechless .The people of the whole vehicle to set the whole room roaring with laughter ,the uncle face flamed with embarrassment .
relationresultXiao Xintook the silver ,blame her big mouth ,said with a smile : ,you won ,my daughter is a clever . , relationresultNever mind ,never mind ! The uncle forced a smile .
relationresultSilveris not willing to give up, added: strange uncle ,your body is very poor, go back must eat tonic ,a rule of kidney deficiency . , relationresultSilver bells ! New Qingchi Xiao tao .
relationresultTo know you ! Bell replied whispering ,punching the face having a poor uncle spit a sweet tongue ,make the whole car passenger laughed again .relationresultThe driver ,I want to get off ! With the glances from all sides ,the uncle sit on pins and needles ,can bear .
relationresultThe driver depresses the brake,affirmed: brother ,where distance from Yanan and more than 10 .Are you sure get off now ? , relationresultDetermine.Gnash the teeth in anger say uncle .
relationresultThe dooropened ,the uncle went back off ,he gave Xiao Xin and silver eye ,a pair of like feel irreconcilable hatred for sb .relationresultStrange uncle bye ,cnn! Silver waved ,the car under . Related articles:

