
beats by dre looked at each other

Under !relationresultBang . A loud ,trapped God reel fell off on the ground .While Feng Liuzi was grinning in a flame ,whistling , relationresultTowardsthe two terrified Lao Wang eight eggs !relationresult,trapped God reel ? the head gold make no reply to pick up the stranded God reel ,and a ray of divine consciousness exploration into , relationresultGo to!relationresultVolume three:sector 411st chapter :the curtain , relationresultUpdate: 2009-5-2212:03:37 chapter number :3020 , relationresultBangungotIsland ,scenes of bloody picture being played ,a white-haired von Rokuko like Avatar in general ,it has red eyes a hepatobiliary fear to crack the image of horror , relationresultYes,he is crazy not false ,watched his own son to die in front of their own, while he himself was incapable of action ,so he is crazy ,crazy very thoroughly ,in his mind only the killing ,endless killing , relationresultAratio of strength to his tough metamorphosis ,a body has six soul ,body reach the crystal of the monster ,if really crazy ,that one can imagine the horrors , relationresultOf course,those dark circles and Wang eight eggs also is not a vegetarian ,cheap beats by dre,they just get fairy body ,the body up to a new level ,relationresultPower,so they no fear of von Rokuko to attack , relationresultEven if isthis six child into a flame ,even if it is six that dreadful energy enough to allow them to fly ash ,but after all, they put together the spiritual strength ,enough to travel through space ,enter any of a group of spiritual forces were unable to travel , relationresultMeasure,it is truly the realm ,a stronger than its supreme realm !relationresultRip !,that twenty-two shares ,spiritual force to collect a ,and successfully scored Feng Liuzi !relationresultHowever,von Rokuko the Dantian is absolutely empty ,where there is no God ?relationresult! more than 20 old bastard all sucked a cold ,he that six had no soul what electric .
.. ... His Nishida Naka may not be how , relationresultSoundless and stirless,two spirit force very much again together ,they plan to use spiritual power to attack Feng Liuzi , relationresultVonRokuko a grin ,with life will play their in vivo all meridians !relationresultAflame in his body in the walk, the red and blue purple colour really fire like hair feeling beasts ,in this six sub body bursts buzzing sound ,and some twenty Wang eight egg spirit force against Feng Liuzi that they will exercise for the body , relationresultAshtrichromatic really fire ,was swiftly to spirit away !relationresultWhile he isill ,he ordered ,in 20 old bastard who recover emotional force moment ,that six body had reached that no change to the body of the old man of Faerie , relationresultThe old manhorrified look ghastly pale ,backward retreat urgently ,however ,his physical speed how to Feng Rokuko ?relationresultFistsdirectly into the old man ,and the old man could be God also ride ,was Rokuko directly into the ash von !relationresultYou will die .
.. ... A roar ,von Rokuko once again ran into the old man !relationresultTwo breathafter, there are nearly ten old bastard was von Rokuko directly kill ,regardless of their body ,or they wish to God ,that six did not leave them a ray of hope , relationresultSeeyou six like a demon ,not dead bell home old ruffian and others had retired to the more than 100 top ghost emperor even death ,must let these ghost emperor died .
relationresultTheghost of emperor know no way of escape, are also known for their quality and that six fundamental Mo FabI ,but escape is a death, war is death, with their more than 100 ghost Timor joint strike ,he also beat to death .
Six one? , relationresultOverspreadmagic from those ghost God shone out ,and all rushed to kill cylinder eye von Rokuko !relationresultVonRokuko to peal ,ignoring the numerous snap to magic, he still clutching one of Wang eight egg bodies ,is really the body release three fire ashes , relationresultSquatting on the floor of theLv Jin saw Feng Rokuko silly to did not escape ,scared he had no time to think, tuna with a shake ,they get in the sky that numerous magic shot past !relationresultAt the same time,the wind be pupil a crunch ,in the sky six brother is lost his mind ,he now only know how to kill ,even the most basic precautions are not ah ,if the 100 baby play on words ,even he can the , relationresultMore than 100top ghost Timor joint strike ?And those magic has inferior artifact ,even from artifact ,von Rokuko flesh even more strong .
It is also unavoidable was a body was destroyed at the end ,beats by dre solo?relationresultBi Jing experienced acrisis experience ,after all six life birth ,once was born to raise the spirit ,the most important is ,she will compete in love with von Rokuko .
relationresultWithout any hesitation,no retreat, the wind you from the ground at the sky ,with the body in front of Feng Liuzi !relationresultVonRokuko suddenly turned her head ,reflected in his eyes had become red ,even the wind you figure turned crimson color !relationresultBe with you .
.. ... Von Rokuko hadn ,nearly half the weapon has hit the wind my body .Of course ,one of the small tuna block down ,by Lv Jinpan , relationresultRip ! endless smoke from wind Ling side rises ,the seventy or eighty handle artifact weapon has turned to a wisps away ,but the wind you just suffered a mild concussion ,spit blood .
relationresultFeng Liuzinaked twinkle ,the + eight eggs through several Laowang is twinkle ,Chang gold is a mouth ,could not say a word !relationresultAt the same time,nine wearing armor ,the white king is out in the sky ,and they all with greedy eyes watching the wind you the colorful color armor !relationresultPo tink ! he screamed a channel l light , relationresultThe othereight sage default nod !relationresultGallery gallery .
.. ... Clouds do not know when to sky ,with dull thunder is to let all people feel a twinge of panic !relationresultHescreamed a light again ,said: is God .!someone up ? , relationresultAs thelight falls in his voice ,beats by dre,the rest are all focused on the more than 10 Wang eight egg body, because some of the more than 10 old egg body being that between powerful glassy ,smoke high into the sky .
relationresultOncethere are twelve , relationresultWhy? The king looked at each other ,and shook his head ,this is too bizarre and unpredictable ,one-time twelve litre ?That I heard , relationresultThissix
child holding the trembling wind Zhao ,he didn it was so strong Po tink defense ,strong has exceeded all cognitive range , relationresultThe windbe biting his lower lip ,relationresultTwo:
six bastard brother ,they even soaring world, we have for them !,,relationresultVonRokuko is nodded ,saccades were present at all one eye, eye , relationresultSoaring? , relationresultSix
brother ,you ? the wind you faint guessed that six children want to take advantage of these old things crossing robbery when shots murder , relationresultAirtwelve bastard body, gently
out of a sneer ,von Rokuko decisively said: how can I let them easily , relationresultThesix children showed a sly smile : don , bad their methods have a lot !,,relationresultWindelf Related articles:

