
beats by dre australia Three people back

The horse even see Paul Chun look nervous ,did not know that he has something to say .But to see him like this should be something beyond his control will be so .relationresultPaul Chun nephew ,how, what are you so upset? The horse even asked eagerly .
relationresultUncle ,matter significant ,can let I went in to see the forbidden area inside the predecessors to say ah ! Paul Chun saw Uncle to ask questions ,but he also knew uncle here do not master ,even if is said to tell the inside of the predecessors to make decisions, so bold to horse even asked to see the forbidden .
relationresultThe horseeven see Paul Chun to see the forbidden predecessors ,but his tone is very rapid ,it is the mind andao seems to be no trivial matter. The thought of it ,Ma also can not consider what to tell don tell ,directly takes Paul Chun into the forbidden area .
Enter the forbidden after Paul Chun had not thought to see inside the bulk practicing magic ,followed the horse even entered the forbidden area of the inside .relationresultTwo people came to theforbidden area the inside of a house before, Ma motioned for Paul Chun to stop, and then respectfully towards the inside of your way: disciple Malian rate current Shura gate head Paul Chun forbidden predecessors ! After two people respectfully to the house .
relationresultThereare practicing forbidden predecessors is Shura door existing highest Xiu San magic off fly and Yang Jun .Guan Fei saw horse to connect directly with Paul Chun came in to see ,this does not accord with the conventional approach ,let him feel they have to say something very important .
Off fly and Yang Jun two people exchanged a glance ,beats by dre solo,rose went toward the outside .relationresultTwo peoplefrom outside, see Ma and Paul Chun two people are respectfully stand there .Off fly asked: Ma ,what ,let you take Paul Chun into the forbidden ? The horse even hear Zushi Ye question answered: disciple is listening to Paul Chun says there is urgent business to tell so we took him in ,I see his kind very worried and upset ,but look very nervous ,so the disciples on the shots without authorization.
Bring him in ,please also zushi ye forgive . , relationresultThe horseeven if let Guan Fei Yang Jun frowned at two people ,two people at the same time to look to Paul Chun ,Paul Chun felt the two eye heart startled ,as if they were two of them exactly what the general ,but now also can not consider these .
Paul Chun himself said: Qibing zushi ye ,disciple received publicity publicity in communications ,communications which revealed the surprising news ,students feel it be no trivial matter.
So it asks the horse ,even with his uncle in, please don Malian Shishu zushi ye ,beats by dre. , relationresultI don want to blame his meaning ,you can rest assured ,you can now say ,public communications exactly what? Off fly saw Paul Chun that some asked impatiently .
relationresultThis is Zushi Ye publicity in the inside of said ... ... Paul Chun put the publicity of communications content told off fly and Yang Jun .relationresultOff flyand Yang Jun two people who heard the news that a calm face grew solemn .
The news was shocking .Fortunately this message can timely publicity came from ,or wait until the electrodeless case that Ouyang Fen forced a ,this sector would probably have said the conduct in the door .
relationresultThink of hereoff fly asked Paul Chun : Paul Chun this matter and who knows ? , relationresultWith the exception of a few elders and disciple apprentice and master ,nephew Huang Ming knew ,no other people know .
Paul Chun saw the Zushi Ye listen very carefully to respectfully answered .relationresult,it should be more of these people outside of the Shura door the other disciples know .Also notice publicity, we will go to meet him ,to discuss the matter .
Off fly in after hearing what Paul Chun had said on two successive order to him .relationresultHearzushi ye to personally ,Paul Chun is naturally assured many .And he took the jade Jane communications to publicity, told him to go and meet him forbidden predecessors ,he should tell his present position .
relationresultZhang Yangto Qin Peifa after end communications had towards too holy mountain fly away .This matter is too great ,so go myself and big brother they discuss countermeasures .
In the endless mountains left soon after ,publicity he received Paul Chun ,see Paul Chun ,publicity always bend the brows face was relaxed .Hurried back to a communications to Paul Chun to tell him ,he is now back too holy Lingyin case ,if the Shura door forbidden predecessors to go too holy for him .
Liu Tianye autumn two saw brother suddenly become relaxed, asked him what is going on .Zhang Yang Paul Chun communications and tell two people ,two people after listening to this development with confidence .
relationresultInthree people continues to move forward the fly when Ye Qiu cited jade Jane shake up .Ye Qiu takes the jade Jane looked after is phoenix dance communications ,Fung Mo in communications inside told him, they have done to prevent ,but another ten or twenty years Pengfei and myself will crossing robbery ,I am afraid that development has not not be up to them to the master .
Although the communications warning ,but no conclusive evidence has no way to deal with them ,their fear of telling leaf autumn .relationresultYe Qiuread the communications ,told big brother about publicity Phoenix dance .
Zhang Yang asks Ye Qiu to tell the Phoenix dances ,it do not worry too much ,for the time being no risk ,they and Shura door people discuss later in contact with her .Ye Qiu in accordance with the mean big brother to Fung Mo sent a message to comfort her .
relationresultPaul Chun received thepublic communications ,told the Zushi Ye Guan Fei and Yang Jun ,now back to said publicity too holy Lingyin case .Guan Fei after listening, immediately decided to go too mountain and publicity meeting ,and told Paul Chun not to have any change ,make no cases show what the problem is ,Paul Chun promised after the withdrawal from the forbidden .
relationresultOff flyat Yang Jun asked: Yang Jun nephew, you think we have a grasp can prevent the Ouyang Fen force the robbery ? Yang Jun listened to the teacher to think about after some failed to grasp the said: this is the only thing in the human to ,can stop to see providence .
Yang Jun saying the idea of flying ,two people were also consulted with a decision ,don ,the wide ,Ding ,Ma ,bus several people to a very holy .relationresultThe body of the 169th chapterto discuss strategy , relationresultUpdate: 2010-2-516:17:35 chapter number :3674 , relationresultOff flydecisions and publicity after the meeting ,then led Yang Jun and others towards the mountain go too .
After ten days of walking ,finally arrived too holy mountain .Now they have just come back without publicizing how long .Three people back after she told brother wind wind macro ,macro think matters ,rushed three Shishu also invited back ,at the same time let Qi Xie flexible beam and come to discuss strategy .
relationresultTheyjust discussed before long ,public communications jade Jane quaked, publicity to pick up the jade Jane ,is Paul Chun ,tell him forbidden predecessors have to too holy mountain foot .
Zhang Yang saw the Shura door forbidden predecessors had arrived ,he told the news to big brother wind macro .The wind swept macro after listening to just anxiety to make said: brother, we went out to meet them .
Then on the three uncle said: three uncle ,you just wait here ! Cloud son listened to the wind macro words shook his head and said : no ,they rank higher than us a lot, we can neglect others ,and the other is to matter to ,say we have to rely on their help to go out with you ,we meet ,beats by dre australia,it seems our attention and respect .
Clouds case won the two brothers agree ,see Uncle insisted on going out to meet ,the macro is not good to stop ,so the Lingyin in all together go down to meet the Shura door forbidden .
relationresultTheysoon came to the mountain foot down too ,after seeing a short distance in front of standing seven or eight people .Two of them are known to Zhang Yang ,that is the bus and Related articles:

