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Less strong .Hu Qiuyue body was trembling .But immediately raised his head .The Shaoqiang coldly said : I .You wrong person .I don what the little girl . , relationresultI know you are born, our director is just for you heart disease flare-ups ,why did you not admit it .
Once Shaoqiang said excitedly ,Facebook.relationresultOh ,sorry ,Miss Hu had total ,tired ,I sent her home ,what ,we Okay ? Chen Ning in the side with a mouth ,tone also eased ,said to Ceng Shaoqiang .
relationresultMiss Hu ? Once Shaoqiang listens, hurried towards Chen Ning look ,from Chen Ning ,he saw a certain information .relationresultOnce the total ,so be it, we go first . Chen Ningzhao Ceng Shaoqiang nodded ,and then when Hu Qiuyue turned away .
Chen Ning knows that ,since Hu Qiuyue was also unable to accept ,or being the first to take her home ,later explained to her .relationresultCeng Shaoqiang also wanted tocall Chen Ning and Hu Qiuyue ,but the thought of the Miss Hu has strongly denied that he was the chairman daughter ,cnn,and Chen Ning left when the eyes ,it seems that there must be a reason ,or chairman nor heart disease flare-ups .
relationresultChen Ningdrove Hu Qiuyue Hu Qiuyue Buick car home .Hu Qiuyue came home downstairs ,Hu Qiuyue said to Chen Ning : I ,you go back earlier . , relationresultLook atrelationresultPale face,Chen Ning is not assured ,said to Hu Qiuyue : don stay with you .
, relationresultNo, I sleep ,when things didn today . Hu Qiuyue forced a reluctant smile ,said to Chen Ning .relationresult,you go home early to rest ,sleep ,I . Chen Ning also had to nod .
relationresultThe very next day,Ceng Shaoqiang went to the hospital, Hu Guangyuan was transferred to the provincial hospital of the first people of the intensive care unit .After a night ,now Hu Guangyuan has to wake up ,leaning against the bed ,although old haggard face many ,but was clearly better .
relationresultChairman ,you wake up yesterday ,but scared us all . Once Shaoqiang smiled and said to Hu Guangyuan .relationresult,old people ,physical feelings .These two days in group affairs ,you will more care .
Hu Guangyuan sighed ,said to Ceng Shaoqiang .relationresultThe thing in the group ,you can fix it . Said Ceng Shaoqiang carefully asked : is it right? Yesterday chairman ,you find your daughter ? , relationresultHearing this,Hu reveals the anguish ,also become very sad eyes .
Ceng Shaoqiang looked a nose is sore and sound to Hu Guangyuan said : the chairman ,yesterday you in saving time, Chen Chang and the Miss Hu came along to you until you are out of danger before leaving .
See ,Miss Hu on your safety is still very tense . , relationresultYou said yesterday she see me ? Hu Guangyuan listen, eyes suddenly came a ray of bright color ,grabbed Ceng Shaoqiang hand .
relationresultChairman ,you don ,:student told ,you can get too excited . Once Shaoqiang hastened to Hu Guangyuan argued ,then nodded ,said yesterday : Chen Chang played you telephone me ,I told him your condition Chen Chang and Miss Hu together .
,google, relationresultHow can both Chen and Chang come together ? However ,female cherished Hu Guangyuan no too much to think about this question, automatic speaking a sentence after the sighed ,said : she is no excuse me ,did not know her for so many years is how to come .
It is my own doing ,for so many years ,suffer the children . Hu Guangyuan said ,painful eyes closed ,two lines of tears fall down .relationresultOnceShaoqiang a bear, hesitated about, said to Hu Guangyuan : the chairman ,I see Chen Chang and Miss Hu relationship is not in general .
Or I go to Chen Chang there myself ,learn from him the Hu case . , relationresultGood . Listen to Ceng Shaoqiang Hu Guangyuan suddenly opened his eyes ,then waved his hand ,said : so ,you still take Chen Chang please come here ,I will personally to understand girls of Chen chang .
, relationresult,I tell Chen long call . See Hu Guangyuan so badly it had Shaoqiang apologized and said .relationresultThis morning Chen Ningwould call Hu Qiuyue ,want to hear her . What .
The result ,Hu Qiuyue told him ,he was okay ,is now on the way to work ,Chen Ning this was put down by heart .relationresultWork shortly after,Chen Ning received a phone call from Ceng Shaoqiang .
Ceng Shaoqiang was first for Chen Ning last night to see Hu Guangyuan thanked him ,then informed Chen Ning ,their chairman now awake ,asked Chen Ning at a convenient time, a hospital ,their chairman Hu Guangyuan to see him .
relationresultChen Ning knew thatCeng Shaoqiang must have come to the hospital last night and Hu Qiuyue told Hu Guangyuan ,Hu Guangyuan is sure to know his daughter from his case here .Chen Ning thought about ,tell had Shaoqiang ,their noon to go to the hospital to see Hu Guangyuan .
relationresultAt noon,when Chen Ning and carrying a basket of fruit ,carrying flowers of the fee prescribed appears in Hu Guangyuan unit in time ,Hu Guangyuan suddenly face excitedly struggled to rise .
relationresultChen Ning quicklytook a few step ,hold Hu Guangyuan let him lie, smiled and said : Hu Dong ,you just out of danger ,stay, stay . , relationresultStand aside andaccompanying Hu Guangyuan had Shaoqiang ,know Hu Guangyuan to his daughter Chen Ning to understand things ,with Chen Ning playing a greeting ,smile to just put down the flowers and fruits of the Fei Ming said : cost director ,us out to rest area to have a cup of coffee .
, relationresultFei Ming listens,will know that Hu Guangyuan and Chen Quchang talk about something ,they are not convenient to stay here ,he agreed with a smile ,and Ceng Shaoqiang went out of the ward .
relationresultChen Chang ,listen to less strong ,you last night has come once .Today I trouble you to go ,really feel shy . Ceng Shaoqiang and Fei Ming go out ,Hu Guangyuan half on bed to Chen Ning politely said .
relationresultNever mind ,Hu Dong ,what ,you just said . To hear Hu Guangyuan and before a you to call themselves, Chen Ning felt some feel shy ,then how to say, Hu Guangyuan, now is his father-in-law ,by himself on Hu Guangyuan with the use of the honorific .
relationresultChen Chang ,I have a daughter had been separated for thirty-five years .Since I was released from prison after twenty years ,it has been looking for the daughter .Unexpectedly, yesterday in an accidental opportunity ,I find my daughter .
My daughter must have Chen Chang also you should know by now . , relationresultChen Ning satnext to Hu Guangyuan ,a nod .relationresultAlas ,Chen Chang ,I am sorry to my daughter, although she was not , relationresultBut listenless strong ,her last night and you to once was Chen long time please come to see my daughter .
Then ,a face looking at Chen Ning Hu Guangyuan .relationresultChen Ning is alsoa heavy nodded ,and said: your thing ,I have heard of it yesterday evening I was a hospital and moon .
, relationresultThe moon ?She now has a name of autumn .Previously ,her nickname is born, is called Hu Fangfei is my to take . First heard his daughter name ,Hu Guangyuan took on a warm .
And then sighed and said: no wonder ,I am looking for so many years ,has not found her to be the name of Hu Qiuyue . , relationresultThename, she had while in the orphanage ,they give the president . Related articles:

