
Beats by Dr Dre studio e to sink a voice to

Chapter 402 Luo's sun certainly accounts
"E!Catch fire?Where?"Guo Jia has never been like Luo the sun imagine medium so frighten spring up, but the full face blurredly took a look surroundings and grasped to grasp back part of skull, result again is a head a slanting, continue to sleep his big head to feel!
"Ha ha!"Looking at Guo Jia's in that manner, Li Gui in the one side all cannot helped but break into laughter voice, Luo's sun is to helplessly shake to shake head, one mouthful come to caudle to finish drinking, turned a head to would be to pass the bowl to Li Gui, the station started to stretch one lazy waist.Because is to depend on the tree trunk to sleep for a night, the whole body is up and down all burst of of aching, he is this activity, the joint is immediately a Pa in the Mao of make ring.Li Gui in the one side endures along while, finally still doesn't endure and asks a way:"Lord Mr. yesterday but in a bad humor?"
"?Did you see out?"Luo's sun didn't deny, this also have no what very worthy of denying, light on smiling, say:"Nothing important, just some affairs think that the impassability is just!Have to say, this wine still has a little a function of, at least now my mood want compare a sight better yesterday!"
Li Gui is to say with a smile:"Lord Mr. so severe, where have what will be difficult to the lord Mr.!In mean person's eyes, lord Mr. only temporarily drilled ox horn point, can not use how long, lord Mr. can lightly loosen to chase those hard nut to cracks all to solve!This several in the last yearses, doesn't lord Mr. all not do like this?"
The Luo sun wry smile wore to shake to shake head, however Li Gui just some kind of words also not is had no function and let at least the decision made in the Luo's sun heart more firm!Luo's sun smelt smell a body up, it is a wine flavor to exert, right away would be to turn head to say to Li Gui:"You parties the person seek for a while yesterday come of Qin Mi, let him wait me to the den!I go first to change a set of clothes to say again!Still have, don't forget to give° this boy to send to guest room to take a rest!"Pointed Guo Jia, Luo's sun is exceeding big step, walk toward the set of rooms in the yard.
Washing in the Shu inside the set of rooms is some kind of, after changing a set of clean clothes, Luo's sun faces a set of rooms front, but is slowly to walk to water before the basin and lowers the head to looking at own reflection on water in water basin, deeply absorbs tone and soliloquizes a way:"Is since old sky of to let I till this age, no matter that is a Cao to hold still Dong Zhuo!You don't want to obstruct me!"
Include Guo Jia at inside, no one knows yesterday's Luo's sun exactly at hesitant what.Actually, Luo's sun isn't to worry to can not defeat Dong Zhuo, on the contrary to that already the turtle shrink in the Cao of Yan state to hold not rest assured!This age, perhaps having no a person can be like Luo's sun to understand Cao to hold much energy like this, originally this Luo sun the north advertise for, be want to take advantage o Cao to hold to be still very small and weak of time, hold the Cao to uproot!
But the matter arrive at present, Luo's sun suddenly feels that destiny's seeming is to can not converse generally, the Cao holds to remain still so small and weak, it happened that oneself is to can not exterminate he!Old sky of destine, Cao's holding is greatly the north of the future generally, is being like Sun Shi to destine to want unification a river the east similar?That means that the Jing state and benefit state oneself get generally now, future of a certain, will also return that Liu to have all?Can the destiny so not resist?
Ever since that time on that day the emergence of the western cool soldier, make Luo's sun attack and occupy the plan of Yan state to fail by a small margin a beginning, the in the mind of Luo's sun starts this kind of viewpoint, so Luo's sun woulded have that kind of yesterday excrescent performance. However this inebriates last night, is let Luo's sun suddenly disillusion come over, when beginning, oneself will be weak to arrive frightened destiny this kind of vain dimly discernible thing?The performance of Luo's sun at the thought of these several days he or she cannots help but having the kind the impulse for wanting to take out oneself's slap and right away jilted to jilt head, didn't appear for a long time of cold light again present in the eyes of Luo's sun!
The Cao holds!Dong Zhuo!Still have Sun Jian!Lao Tze doesn't believe that than the knowledge that you are many for 2,000 years, Lao Tze still makes deathless you!
Wait until as Luo's sun is arriving to den, Qin Mi is to honestly sit the etc. is in the den and saw Luo's sun come, hurriedly is start to salute.However Luo's sun is to don't care these dead forms, put to put a hand, woulded be to directly say to Qin Mi:"Adult Qin!Received a filial piety yesterday, it accounted, I wanted to think, or had a that the part is commendable!So this time my Zhao you come, be want to arrange a task for you!However this task is more difficult, don't know if adult Qin has confidence completion?"
Listen to Luo's sun so on saying, Qin Mi who just sat down signs a horse and is to stand, towarding Luo's sun was an arch hand to drink a way:"Lord male trust!No matter is what task, Qin Mi necessarily makes greatest efforts completion!Don't dare to have owner Mr. give!"The appearance that sees Qin Mi, pour is have several cents red-blooded war will of flavor.
Luo's sun right away woulded be to roar with laughter ground to toward Qin Mi to put to put a hand and said with smile:"Adult Qin doesn't have to be excited!You and move over here ear!"
The king and his ministers since thou is high and low to be different from, if put in the peacetime, Qin Mi didn't dare to close to Luo's sun too much naturally, however Luo's sun asked him to once gather together a body on his/her own initiative, and obviously occupied and said to oneself now, Qin Mi just hesitated for a while and still kept deciding to gather together to come forward.Luo's sun signed a horse to attach to whisper by the side of Qin Mi's ear, the voice of Luo's sun was very small, in addition to Qin Mi, basically no one was within hearing him to say what.
Listen to the words of Luo's sun, the time in the beginning, Qin Mi can also keep calm, can slowly, Qin Mi's eyes would are more Zheng more circle, the mouth is also a piece to more is more big, unspeakable surprise.Luo's sun finally sat properly body, smiled to clap the shoulder of clapping Qin Mi and said:"How?Be do so, can attain?"
"E?"Qin Mi Zheng's individual was already foolish to live, don't respond at all to the words of Luo's sun, lead good long time, this just return to absolute being, surprised shout a way:"Lord male!Do so, can doing so is all right?"
"Matter at artificial!What nothing doing?"Luo's sun one face is cool, but is the slightest didn't worry of appearance, but from his eyes, but Qin Mi is to clearly see a kind of self-confidence!This lets Qin Mi is to involuntarily choose to believe Luo's sun, Luo's sun smiled to smile and said:"The whole premises in nowadays, lie in adult Qin can attain me to your task!"
Listen to Luo's sun say so, in Qin Mi Xin the whole misgivings immediately be disappear, flooded Hao feeling in the chest, right away would be to stick out the chest, the clear voice drinks a way:"Is main male the since it is so trust belong to bottom!That belongs to next how don't dare?This matter whole reportses were in belonging to a body!Please lord male trust wait and see good tidings!"
"Good!"See Qin Mi such heroism, Luo's sun is to drink one colourful,Beats by Dr Dre studio, right away would be to carry to have the cup on the table, toward Qin Mi Yi to respect, say:"Adult Qin this goes to a pain, I first with tea generation wine, respect one cup of adult Qin, prepare to wish adult Qin immediate success!"
Luo's sun this respects, Qin Mi is overwhelmed by special favor the ground knelt down and picked up own cup toward Luo's sun, to Luo's sun a respect, the full face excitedly says:"Lord Mr. treats generously to belong to bottom, belong to next appreciate not exert, only spare no effort no release until death!The boon that just can report winner's Mr. to know to meet!"The gift of this king and his ministers thinks greatly of very much this age, Luo's sun this Chien an action of the simple list, bring Qin Mi, but is tremendous shocking, now this Qin Mi's loyalty to Luo's sun that can be said to be faithful not two!
After 2 people finish drinking tea and drinks in cup, the Luo sun favour is to hand Qin Mi, about to spoke what, stay by the side in the den doorway of Li Gui but is loudly shout a way:"Lord male!Adult Guo plea for interview!"
Listen to Guo Jia came, Luo's sun signed a horse to say with smile:"Ha ha ha ha!This alcoholic is finally awake!At the right moment, I also occupy to seek his amount of company, Li Gui, let him come in!"
And Qin Mi saw, it is very tactful to do obeisance a way to the Luo sun arch also:"Lord male!Belong to next now to descend to do preparation, take leave!"Say, would was to fall back to come out den, see Guo Jia in the den doorway, the nature was also some kind of ceremonious.
Immediately, Guo Jia woulds be Be crumpling a temple and walking to come in, is to go a gift to Luo's sun first, immediately ask a way:"Lord Mr., adult Qin this is going to do what?"
"Ha ha!"Luo's sun looking at Guo Jia that headache of appearance, not from get funny, say with smile:"Bearer!Have tea!Sit down to drink cup tea quickly!Bring up spirit!I but occupy to want to measure with your company!"
Listen to the words of Luo's sun, Guo Jia was to sit down, at the right moment descended a person is also a very numb benefit ground to prepare for Guo Jia one cup hot tea, drank severals, Guo Jia's headache was to alleviate some.Immediately would be to say to Luo's sun:"See main Mr. like this, matter think necessarily to negotiate yesterday, lord Mr. has already had decision!Be don't know a lord whether Mr. agree with the opinion of belonging to the bottom?"
Luo's sun is mysterious on smiling, say to Guo Jia:"Receive a filial piety, your stratagem, I agree a half!To!Still need to invite you to write a thing for me this time!"
To the words of Luo's sun, Guo Jia is to listen to a head of fog water, this wants Yao to agree, Yao different idea, where have already agreed half?However Luo the back of the sun said again a , Guo Jia doesn't dare to neglect as well and sign a horse to would be to walk in quick time to the den is another part of in the desk, up and early get ready a Four Treasures of the Study, Guo Jia towards Luo's sun one arch hand, is signal hint Luo sun to say.
Luo's sun also Don't mention it, ordered to nod, woulded be to sink a voice to say:"I want you to write a Jiao Zhao for me, be send punitive expedition national traitor Dong Zhuo and his hold with party Cao and Sun Jian's Jiao Zhao!"
If Luo's sun one openings, Guo Jia would is to grasp to have a pen, be stained with satisfied liquid ink, prepare to fall a pen on the brocade on the table, can a finish listenning to Luo's sun, Guo Jia Zheng the body is immediately one Zhan, pen in hand 1 didn't grasp steady, directly would be at brocade up, a best brocade signed a horse to infect by one painting.Guo Jia raises head, the full face doesn't dare to believe ground to looking at Luo's sun, but Luo's sun just returns with the self-confident smiling face and continues to say:"Remember, need to specially declare in the Jiao Zhao, hold this Cao and Sun Jian collaborate with Dong Zhuo the affair laying siege to close country Qi of my this emperor say a little bit careful!Seeing can give these two guy set ascend the type of ten greatest articleses of!"
Guo Jia has never continued to write down to go to, but signs Ma Wen Dao:"The lord is male,you really want to hold with Cao, does Sun Jian break off good relations?By so doing, we not is make an enemy of too many?"
For Guo Jia's question, but Luo's sun is have no direct answer, but was roaring with laughter to put to put a hand to Guo Jia, say:"Receive a filial piety!You write according to what I say!As for other affairs, I from have an arrangement!"

