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Yin cloud covers with a chapter 21 zero airtight report
The two days river sees the Su precious jade face matter a hero very serious kind noon, know many this he doesn't arrive the double of thing, be he has been wanting of, is also that his once talking Su precious jade will bring his surprise.
This meeting is some what kind of surprise.
The cloud Er in the sky nature isn't a simpleton, don't have the affair of advantage to oneself, will he s do?
But see Su precious jade very there is the appearance to lie a matter, still air dignified tunnel:"In spite of is what affair.The direction that always wants to aim at the beneficial development of burning Huang Ju to spread row, these I from have proper restraint".
Su Yao wants cloud for sky the river has been working careful steady weigh, also have no then hesitate, is just wanting uprising.But suddenly stuffy hum a , softly sit again to before the table.
Again think of that after the event, her face, at this time already Be red to arrive ear.
Cloud course of river in the sky:"Now that your activity is inconvenient, that is done by me, you tell of our method is then!"
"There being an organization here is an elder in clan decoration design, not I can not open.So, "the Su precious jade haven't finished saying.Be then embraced by cloud river in the sky, be rattled under, a hands of Su precious jade rather put where, that red face, all have the Qin water at this time:"You, put me down!"
"Since even did matters like that, also have what very embarrassed and shy!"Cloud river in the sky is light say, then embraced Su precious jade to walk toward the position that she specifies.
The Su precious jade is red face, also helpless recognize tacitly.Then take at his neck up, but that that heart is to jump very and quickly and secretly to take aim him, wonder in the heart, my innocent body gave you, the life interest also gave you, you are unique my this present life men.No matter how you treat me, the this present life of Su precious jade is in no case
Indeed as expected press the Su precious jade say, that organization sets out very precise.Then the Huan interest that doesn't need Su precious jade assistance can open, no wonder that her keep secret measure will do of thus fine, there is a safe-deposit box like this, any confidential data intelligence report places into, even if here be discovered, these secrets also take not to walk.
After opening an organization, stone in flick a dark space open to, cloud river in the sky sees a small box in the dark space, hence then took out that small box to let the Su precious jade take,Beats By Dre Diamond, and then embraced her to after returning to the bedside then open that box.
The box does very finely, in have one separating of row row layer, under the explanation of Su precious jade, cloud river in the sky takes out first a first row to separate among the layer of data and some confidential letters open, see the top write some three emperor the son entrust in Feng to create the business of the weapon material, and these equip weapon all very excellent, feel strange.
Don't also ask, then take out second floor in a see.Discovered clues, originally create a weapon material to head for small postpone mountain of the person in the army camp provide, moreover some alignment Luo orchid empire smuggle.
See here, cloud river in the sky frighteneds, these three emperor the son incredibly dare to sell to big Tang's excellent weapon material Luo orchid empire, shocked under, cloud river in the sky takes out a line of datas again intelligence report to see, incredibly discover this is to is a letter of contacts with of the big minister of Luo orchid empire, up mentioned a matter, is exactly when he is in the benefit state last year grandfather Zheng arrives benefit state to spread in person aim to make the matter of side the said that Luo orchid empire.
Cloud river in the sky specially noticed under, the date of these important data contentses, all is that he comes to capital city, having not met Su the snow and Su precious jade is previous, main heel three emperor the son is relevant, the first row separates after intelligence report data in the son finish seeing, cloud river in the sky still not from to absorbed tone.
This three emperor the son absolutely can be said to be rich can enemy country.Privately trade a weapon material not to say with enemy country.And Feng in the sky in he pass the share of 30% that domestic affairs mansion occupies, moreover in addition to capital city.He is still declaring state, Gan state, You state, Chu's state and opens the grounds like state,etc industry share that all has large store.No wonder that the Su precious jade doesn't want to make him reveal these data to the emperor to know, knowing this is the source of wealth, as long as holding tight these holds, so, "
Cloud river in the sky hurriedly will these improbity of after mind cancel, cloud river in the sky prepares to turn over the next row blank.But the Su precious jade is signaled hint with the look in the eyes, still over there among the first row have a line, she once that line pull and below and immediately come out a dark space, cloud river in the sky surprisedly wore Su precious jade one eye and then took out there the data of the noodles.
Just a see under, cloud river in the sky poured to absorb an air conditioner, surprised way:"Hunted the matter of assassinating big emperor's son last time autumn, indeed as expected had participation of this three emperor sons and provided convenience, but who was this mastermind exactly?"
The way of Su precious jade:"Assassinate one matter, three emperor son is lead a hand in person, we combine to have no knowledge, but these intelligence report data, is a confident that we bribe his under charge gets, is this matter, gather joss-stick a maid that is favored by that confident within building did Qie, however she isn't my clan woman, oneself for buying back freedom, changed a freedom with this data!"
Cloud river in the sky peculiarly stares Su precious jade, Su precious jade immediately explanation way:"You don't misunderstand, those girls are all completely helpless, voluntarily to gather to sell the body for the Nu in the joss-stick building of, since she wants to buy back freedom to get married for the Qie.I naturally will put her to walk, these people have no contact with my intelligence report organization, pure just gather joss-stick servant within building".
Order, cloud river in the sky is from these data.Picked up severals, said:"Be like these collaborate with enemy country, the matter of business excellent weapon, and the autumn hunts to assassinate to participate in one matter and be good enough to settle his capital crime, these hand over to emperor to also have no hinder of".
Later on, cloud river in the sky again open a second lines of blanks, took out the intelligence report data of the soap noodles to look into one by one some kind of, all with three emperor the son muscle is being small to be fierce to officials and everyone's influence is related, however cloud river in the sky equally at in pick up the continent of Ya Han"seize entire family belongs to exterminate entire, but with they taint with not up any intelligence report data of relation come out to make a back up.
But at among the third lines of blanks, cloud river in the sky finally saw one is the river- related intelligence report data, these are far and privately river's trees with three emperor the son reach of a bargain, let the enemy country make a side,Beats By Dre Justbeats.Think a way to adjust Tu Yuan to celebrate, or is that is just virtuous the garrison forces going to a frontier adjusts a degree, they well from in decoration, saw to just virtuous to meet a sting, indeed as expected is this river to do.
Thoughted of still just plentiful river's tree in the prison in sky is far, in cloud river heart in the sky on moving, secretly think, this person haven't been killed, but this time take place this matter, greatly can push the responsibility for to the head of this scapegoat up, the pouring easily washes to take off a relation for Su precious jade.
On top of that, cloud river in the sky is among other blanks.Also now some data concerning the king of Su Jing.Although is few,let cloud for sky the river doesn't dare what to imagine BE, the intelligence report organization of Su precious jade owns a thus huge potential, connect this water don't expose.The data of idea careful king of Su Jing can also find out some, so make cloud for sky the river favor this Su precious jade more of just can, make her to burning the yellow intelligence report camp is absolutely the most astute decision.
The remaining data of the other, cloud river in the sky temporarily saw one part, because behind of more see more shocked, and some matters embroil very big, also not is should interfere with now as well of, he is in these influence eyeses now, still keep being still a very small and weak ant, they trample their they very easily, so these data, indeed as expected press the Su precious jade say, isn't what he can touch now get.
After leaving those sparely and accepting well.Cloud river in the sky closed box, way:"This box or is maintained by you all right, you take a few days off here first, the business of outside you temporarily don't take care of, I from will handle, in a couple of days treated me to save out your person, will have another arrangement!"
The point of Su precious jade nods and thoughted of a matter.But abashed in start to talk, desire speech again.
Cloud river in the sky sees her facial expression in the eye.Way:"There are words keeping saying!"
The Su precious jade bites to bite shell Chi, finally is still a light Qi Tan way:"We have already done a matter like that.Can younger sister how do, I
Cloud river in the sky interrupts a way:"You don't need to be thought too many, today all matters your the truth explain to would be to Su's snow in case she continues to misunderstand, since you were my person now, so I don't miss an of your sister to have what misunderstanding antinomy, disadvantageous burning Huang Ju development".
The Feng precious jade listenned to person's this sentence that oneself is him.Immediately start to fly two red glow at sunsets on the face, Qiao face the hair is hot.
Cloud river in the sky wants that words to produce some misunderstandings, short cut:"My meaning is to say, you hereafter Be rendered service to me, the nature is my person, however counteract poison that matter, I also is not likely to regard as have never taken place, but I can't give you what promise, can see in the future the situation developed, do you understand my meaning?.
The Su precious jade is red face, order a way:"We Huan fog clan has the clan rules the custom, the woman dedicates a body at the man.After having the woman life the interest on the body of that man.If the woman wants to give birth to a kid, men and women as long as life interest again the Du return then, so, please cherish to make reference to here, the voice of Su precious jade more and more connects her all quickly out of hearing by herself.
Cloud river in the sky listens to but is inwardly surprised, strange not of oneself feel that there is always peculiar breathing on the body tie up to round, very strange race.
But the Feng precious jade continue explanation way:"There is still an important secret beard telling it in you, I am recommended with younger sister for the little clan grow also is to have the causal, one is our life interest homology, the other one is our life interests to don't need to all Huan interests in clan tired, is also say, from now on the person's urn interest of my clan, to you would not result in any influence, it three, !"
Make reference to here, Su precious jade then have some cannot say, cloud river in the sky doesn't want to discuss it later this matter, didn't also cross-examine and just put to say:"This matter hereafter discuss it later, not excessive, is want first extrication your person, I need a list, which persons Be worth saving, which persons unworthy save.You must arrive for my Luo a , because the matter this time leads long to pull a little bit seriously and still need to emit some risks of".
Su Yao thoughted of cloud for sky the intelligence reports that the river just picked up out to leave, way:"Do you want to save a person with those intelligence report data?"
Cloud river in the sky nods a way:"BE exactly, these intelligence report data, I can not say to is what my person directly obtain come, because this can not let people believe take.But change a kind of method.Seek several individuals come indirect hand over this intelligence report data to the big emperor's son hand up, then transmit an emperor hand, this had the leeway to slowly turn, I also had the reason to beg for to want those people toward the emperor. However you also want to work well preparation, capital city you aren't likely to be getting more foolish again, I will arrange you to build an intelligence report camp to the south, think necessarily you have already acquainted with very much to the south, moreover I also arrange some professional knowledge that artificial your person unifies Pei intelligence report organization, so you arrive south, can be from the first!"
Later on, cloud river in the sky again supplementary lifted a sentence, way:"However your points develop in a low-key way in the southwest first, there from meeting someone looked after 12 and waited foundation,beats by dre, this place also mature after, again eastwards south expand, I intend for three years inside.Can let the intelligence report camp tie in the south next, at that time cutthroat camp also already complete mature, and give relief to the square one of your clansmen, also start from here!"
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