
http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc peak words like this

The monster appears in the between the legs.He understands now, there is ghostly energy, any shapes of monster all can with the mimicry, and not need clean Fu resisting of the appropriation of superior in the sky to drive.Certainly have the entity monster the Ning to do of resisting and driving the whole characteristicses that can a little bit well embody one this monster.

Condense with the ghostly energy of resist to drive, the shape can at will change, besides which, substantial functions all about, just use to walk faster of the tool is just.

Lin Qi Yu says:"The colonel of Wei Sen, we several fore the noodles explores the way, you carefully keep up with, and notice my notice at any time."

The fairy Ling urges to get angry Fen bird, the together red light is forward rapid hurricane.She cannot helps but a scream way:", My fire the baby evolve, the elder brother come quickly!"

Lin Qi Yu calls a way:"The kid sister is a little bit slower!"His heart in a hasty, connect the person take a monster abrupt however disappear at first, a wink of time, appear in the fairy Ling nearby.The edge of knife monster foot doesn't is stained with ground to speed forward, sees together red long grass, together green light disappearance on the horizon.

China eagle soars to take a house superior of China to present fan-shaped spread out forward, their speed is also very astonishing, the soldier's kickboard just slips a several 100 meters far, they then disappear on the dusk horizon.

See this act, Wei Sen tongue-tied way:"This ……this is also too quick, light rain!Childe Lin!The yous, you can not run too far."

Helmet communication machine inside, spread Lin Qi Yu's laughter:"Ha ha!Stop worrying, after arriving destination, we will act together."

The Wei Sen envied ground to see one eye Lin Qi Yu disappear of place, the in the mind cannot help but thinking:"The soldier of under charge if all have skill like this, what task also difficult don't pour me, H'm, to the back of the bath of blood base, be good friends with to drill so much." Because of this mind, the soldier of his under charge ate enough suffering, afterwards he indeed as expected trains special forces with terrible real strenght.

Store a star to about only have the permafrost 1/6 size, the surface layer constitutes to°from the broken up rock, in addition to various astroblemes, all basically is flat ground, an eye hopes to go, the full eyes are desolate.The sky is a heavy black, the star sky is brilliant, but has no breeze and doesn't get angry, the one dies generally silent.

Speed on this land, Lin Qi Yu feels very weird, for transfering attention, he turns to jump specialized with in the channel that the fairy Ling converses, say:"Kid sister, I feel very strange ……"

The fairy Ling says:"What is oddness?"

The wry smile way of Lin Qi Yu:"I how can not the Yun teach life seed?"

The fairy Ling says:"Elder brother, you have how many slices of work properly a leaf?"

Lin Qi Yu says:"Just 9 slice ……shine on should should early have life seed, why do I have no?"

The fairy Ling exclaims:"9 slice?, Elder brother, you are too severe, 9 slice!It is absolutely hard to believe."

The strange way of Lin Qi Yu:"What's the matter with 9 slices?Is there problem?"

The fairy Ling suddenly lays up fire Fen bird, body as if the barn swallow sort start to fly, the tacit understanding ground of Lin Qi Yu stretches hand edge of knife monster of her Ye, hug her waist very naturally, ask a way:"Kid sister, how?"

The fairy Ling acts in pettish a way:"Want an elder brother to take me to walk, the gravity is big here, I am tired, Xi Xi."

See fairy Ling carefree appearance, Lin Qi Yu also feels that the mood relaxs very much.In fact his in the mind has been having a shadow, be worried that chapter 8 ambushes

Public gathering's control hall in relay station.

The cloth cool major general facial expression seriously says:"The defense system of storage center has been already opened, large warship the orbit voyage that can not get into this star, the debarkation warship of only medium-sized following can land in the star surface.

"The intelligence report officer provides of information enunciation, the defense system of storage center is controled together by seven general situation dint, the storage center totally has 170 supplieses storage Shu well, in addition to more than 40s the Shu well for abandonning, rest of all save a great deal of supplies material and energy piece, is the target that everyone's influence loots."

Lin Jun Bao with his resume and in the prestige in the troops, drive public recommend to sit on the seat of host, the left side a line of soldiers with cloth cool major general for head, the right side is led by Lin Yin.

Lin Jun Bao says:"Our fleets can not cope with the attack of ground,http://feeds.feedburner.com/links2rss/LZqc, and I don't hope the fleet contains any loss, so, we have to send a troops and take over defense control centre, the close defendoofs system."

The colonel of Wei Sen immediately stands up, loudly way:"I go!"

The cloth cool major general says with smile:"Wei Sen, this task was originally yours, ha ha!I believe that the special kind big brigade contains this real strenght."

Lin Yin is quiet quiet looking at his/her own one hands, his two hands put on the table's top, lightly pound and say:"According to the circumstance that I understand ……H'm, afraid of a big brigade of special kind go to still not enough."

He stretches hand to stop the Wei Sen that wants to talk, not and urgently not the favour ground say:"Seven general situation dint sends the person of very badly ……everyone know, front the evolution law of the federal strictly forbid the experiment that a few kinds evolve a way and include among them the person and machine knot puts together of robot, alien and mankind's gene blend of combination person, and living creature variation person...etc..

"But the defense center probably have person's existence like this, according to the news that I get, there have a clean superior of Fu sky, there are also a lot of super evolutions."

Lin Qi Yu's in the mind a surprised, clean person's real strenght of Fu sky is super strong, has them at how can more troublesome.He asks a way:"Old daddy, the clean Fu sky has how many persons over there?"

The facial expression of the fairy Ling is tiny tiny on changing, not from must hold firmly Lin Qi Yu's arm, she would not like to see a clean person of Fu sky very much now.

Lin Yin wry smile way:"The concrete number isn't that clear, have more than 2 people at least, is front federal's biggest influence send come of."

Lin Qi Yu asks a way:"Wei key link galaxy?"

Lin Yin nods language not.

Few someones here know clean Fu sky, cloth cool major general not know, Wei Sen also not know, he disapprovingly says:"Is the clean Fu sky what things?"The real strenght of the military officer and food for powder soars now, after having ghostly energy, his confidence also extremely inflates.

Lin Qi Yu says:"Clean[one] superior of Fu sky, be good enough to deal with 3, 40 super evolution, one of their weakness, be be not good at making use of high-tech weapon, the colonel of Wei Sen, you are too optimistic."Speak words like this with the super strong real strenght of Lin Qi Yu, everyone didn't feel what not satisfactory.

What about Wei Sen the mouth say with smile:"That hands over to you to come to handle good, Hey Hey."

The facial expression hair of the fairy Ling white, she pulls Lin Qi Yu's arm and gathers together a small track of his ear:"Elder brother don't conflict with clean Fu sky."

Lin Qi Yu is tiny to shake head, supplies their power of this storage center at must, have these supplies, bath of blood base just can strengthen gradually, matter to a graveness, in spite of who file fore noodles have to clear.

Xian Ling is worried about the way:"That I go together with you."

The Lin Qi raindrop head says with smile:"Certainly go together, so divertive affair how can nonappearance?"He clearly knows his own weakness, the accurate usage in energy, he even still not equal to fairy Ling, this is only promoted by true war.

Formely, he made it a rule to use high-tech weapon and huge energy battle, so can not understand to make use of energy of true meaning, but fine extremely of the energy made use of, is later evolution have to of process.

The cloth is cool to say:"Store center of person, have to have super evolution above real strenght, the surface of this star doesn't have atmosphere very cold, also have a disadvantageous factor is a gravity, its ground gravity than the Earth Gao Qi Bei, the ordinary people can not run about at all and want to put on the anti- gravity protection of specially made to take in the top activity, very unfortunate ……we don't have this protection to take."

Lin Yin adds a way:"The location that lands warship landings isn't the landings platform of storage center, only there is just anti- gravity device on the platform, so landing barge once land can not take off, the person after landing can not also withdraw, unless after canning capture defense center, so as to rise to land platform."

Lin Qi Yu depends on the chair-back and deeply absorbed an one breath, not from get the heart living regrets.Thought at first a storage center can with hand to capture, have never thought a circumstance thus complicated, not only each general situation dint has been already participated, and the environment of star thus bad, what to didn't even thought of BE, clean superior of Fu sky also in the top.

He has a little oddness, in reason, if have the superior to float Fu for sky at, the influence of Wei key link galaxy should be able to completely capture storage center.

The public air is more and more dignified.Lin Yin continues way:"Once capturing storage center, we also mean and each general situation dint became enemies with, so ……"

He ground to a stop for a while and saw public reaction, again

